Sénior Engineer for Mobile Project at VestiaireCollective
from October 2019 to March 2020
- Development of a new feature (the news feed) with MVVM architecture (96% test coverage), application maintenance, updates, issues fixes, resolve retain cycle.
- Implementation of best practices (coding rule (swift-lint), formatting rule (swift-format), code documentation, maintenance of a wiki on GitLab)
- Code proofreading via MR GitLab, implementation of Danger tool in order to have certain acceptance rules for a merge request.
- Continuous integration update and continuous deployment with Bitrise, Fastlane.
- Participation on a wonderful project with an international team, communication, meetings & documentation in English, We released a feature in two months and a half it was a really great experience.
Technical Environment:
Swift, Objective C, TestUnitaire, GIT-Flow, CocoaPods, MVVM, Bitrise, GitLab, Jira, RxSwift, RxDataSource, RxFeedback, Redux, Dependency Injection, Module (framework), Apple Signin, ApplePay