Senior Engineer for Mobile Project at Kolibree
from March 2020 to August 2020
- Development of new features, maintain the ios application, MVVM architecture with RxSwift, resolution of issues, create a unit tests.
- Development of a new independent application for Apple watch with SwiftUI & Combine using Redux architecture.
- Development using modules to share the code between iPhone & Watch.
- Code proofreading via GitHub PR.
- Participation in a large project with an international team, communication, meetings & documentation in English, I learned a lot in terms of development and teamwork. We developed an app for the apple watch in one month.
Technical Environment:
XcodeGen, Swift, SwiftUI, Combine, Objective C, TestUnitaire, GIT-Trunck, Carthage, MVVM, GitHub, Jira, RxSwift, RxDataSource, RxFeedback, Dependency Injection, Modular App, BLE, Apple Signin